(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
Do you want to reduce your risk of death by gun violence? If so, consider these 10 common sense ways to do so. These are things one can implement fully and immediately with no permission or agreement from anyone else but are entirely in the control of any individual. Marching to persuade politicians is a very indirect way of reducing anyone’s risk from gun violence. And considering their track record on so many issues, politicians may end up putting us all at further risk when all is said and done.
Thankfully, the odds of anyone in the U.S. dying from gun violence each year is exceedingly low. Implementing the suggestions here will reduce those odds even further. Read the original article. By Jim Cox & edited & modified by Ken Clements
Domestic Dispute: Indiana Woman Shoots in Self-Defense
An Indianapolis woman resorted to a pistol when an argument with her boyfriend turned violent. When the boyfriend pointed a pistol at her, the woman drew her own gun and fired on the man. One hit landed and ended the incident. Police are investigating the incident as a self-defense shooting.
Fox 59 TV, Indianapolis, Indiana
Florida Man Defends Home and Mother
A Titusville man saw two men — one masked, the other armed — breaking into the home he shared with his mother. Quickly taking up his own gun, the resident fired on the two home invaders, killing one outright and fatally wounding the second assailant. No one living in the home suffered any injuries in the attack. Spectrum News 13, Orlando, Florida
Pennsylvania Jitney Driver Stops Armed Robber
A 73-year-old Duquesne Jitney driver had picked up two men for a fare about 4 p.m. when one of the men produced a pistol and struck the driver, demanding money. After the driver stopped the car and both men got out, the driver drew his legally carried pistol and shot the robber, killing him, which put the other passenger to flight. Investigating police stated the driver acted lawfully. WPXI Channel 11 TV, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Arizona Armed Good Samaritan Foils Kidnapping Attempt of 11-Year-Old Girl
An 11-year-old Phoenix girl was walking to school about 7:30 a.m. when a strange man grabbed her, pinned her arm behind her back and put his other arm across her face. Seeing what was happening, a nearby armed citizen approached the man, knocked him down and pointed his pistol at him. The assailant then fled on foot. Phoenix police have undertaken an extensive hunt for the would-be kidnapper. The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Arizona
Florida Food Truck Crew Defends Against Armed Robbers
A food truck was parked in northwest Miami one morning when an armed man approached and demanded money of a woman working inside. Hearing the commotion, the truck’s driver approached the robbery scene. While handing money over to the robber, he was able to get to his own pistol and fire, putting the robber to flight. A good Samaritan then tackled the suspect and held him for police. Meanwhile, two persons in a nearby parked car fired on the food truck. The driver returned fire, hitting one of the occupants, who promptly fled the scene. Police later apprehended both suspects. No one in the food truck was injured. NBC Channel 6-TV, Miramar, Florida
Arizona Grandmother Shoots Home Invader
A Cordes Lakes grandmother was home with her husband and three young grandchildren at 7:30 one evening when an unknown male broke into the dwelling. He demanded money, got into a fight with the husband and refused to leave. While the intruder struggled with her husband, the grandmother retrieved a handgun, confronted the intruder with it and ordered him to leave. When he advanced on her instead of leaving, the woman fired on him, striking him at least once and causing him to flee. Police found the wounded intruder at a nearby home, where he had collapsed from non-life-threatening injuries. ABC 15 News, Phoenix, Arizona
Pennsylvania Resident Shoots Home Invader
A York resident was at home one evening when a stranger broke in and assaulted him. The resident retrieved a gun and fired, killing the attacker. A joint police-prosecutor investigation cleared the defensive shooter of wrongdoing, calling it self-defense. The 23-year-old attacker died of a gunshot wound to the chest. WGAL-TV Channel 8, York, Pennsylvania
Oklahoma Woman Defends Against Roadside Domestic Assault
A Tulsa woman and her romantic acquaintance were walking home from a store one afternoon when the man began an argument and attacked her. She fought him off, but he continued the argument. When he attacked her again, she drew a gun and shot him, hitting him at least once and inflicting a mortal wound. She ran to her nearby apartment and reported the shooting to police. She was then questioned and released, as police are treating the incident as self-defense. Fox 23 News, Tulsa, Oklahoma
North Carolina Mother Exchanges Gunfire With Home Invader
A Burlington mother of a 10-year-old boy was awakened by sounds of a home break-in around 4 one morning. Taking up a pistol to investigate, the mother encountered an armed man who opened fire on her with his own pistol. The mother returned fire, frightening the burglar enough to leave by the same window he had entered. The woman was not hurt in the exchange, nor was the burglar believed to have been wounded. FoxNews.com
Arizona Man Kills One, Seriously Wounds Another Home Invader
A Phoenix man heard noises of a possible intruder to his home about 1 a.m. When he investigated, he found two men trying to break into his residence. He fired on the duo, killing one and seriously wounding the other.
Fox News 10, Phoenix, Arizona
Georgia Mother Shoots Home Intruder: 911 Tapes
A mother of two has been hailed a hero by her husband after she shot an intruder in their Loganville, Ga., home last Friday afternoon. "She protected the kids. She did what she was supposed to do as a responsible, prepared gun owner," said her husband, Donnie Herman, in an interview with ABC's Atlanta affiliate WSB-TV. ATLANTA, Jan. 8, 2013
The Complete Concealed Carry & Personal Protection Guide for Women Get the Total System for Only $47
1. How to Choose Your Concealed Carry Handgun
2. How to Safely & Discreetly Carry Your Firearm
3. Situational Awareness: How to Not Look Like a Victim
A Unique Experience
A Gift Certificate from 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy makes a great and unique gift for the Guy or Gal who has everything & for those who love new and exciting experiences!
Buy Gift Certificates for any denomination from $25 up to $500, our most popular class tuition is: $150.
You can purchase a gift card at our location, or call in and order over the phone. We will send you the gift card to the address of your choice.
Call Today! (714) 680-5500
Monday through Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy 2715 Saturn Street, Brea, CA 92821-6705
Over 97% Of Gun Owners Are Missing This Vital Information.
Set Yourself Apart By Gaining The Knowledge Necessary To Confidently Carry Your Gun And Successfully Protect Your Loved Ones When It Matters Most.
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Your Customized Blueprint to Complete Concealed Carry Confidence.
Answering Every Question You've Ever Had - And Plenty You Haven't Even Thought Of Yet.
Warning: Armed & Ready Isn't for Everyone.
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The Responsibly Armed Parent’s Guide to Safely Storing, Carrying & Living With Firearms... [Save 61% Now...Ends Soon!]
Your Easy, Comprehensive Guide To Teaching Your Kids About Guns & Firearm Safety
Studies show that kids who are sheltered from guns are 75% more likely to misuse them... Don’t put your child at risk by leaving them vulnerable and uninformed.
If you have kids, or even grand-kids, there’s no doubt that you’ve thought about the best ways to keep them safe–in the kitchen, on the sidewalk, near the pool.
In Kids and Guns: Your “How-To” Guide For Keeping Children Safe Around Firearms, you’ll learn how you can be more comfortable, confident, and safe when arming yourself and teaching your kids about guns.
Your Comprehensive Playbook for Surviving In a Time Of Terror (Save 43%)
Countering the Mass Shooter Threat is a comprehensive playbook for every house of worship, school, business, and family in America. Author Michael Martin dives into the data of 48 mass shootings to determine what can be learned from these tragedies and how following a comprehensive plan can help you to not only avoid becoming a victim, but eliminate the presence of these shooters once and for all.
This playbook is presented in an easy-to-follow format with information for all experience levels. Essential lessons on topics like gun-free zones, magazine capacity, and using the Run, Hide, Fight Methodology are already saving lives across the nation. Here’s just a few of the lifesaving lessons you’ll learn in your playbook.
Mass Shooters Don’t Have An Escape Plan, Do You?
Uncover The Survival Skills You Need To Defeat Deadly Threats
When To Use Deadly Force - DVD
Discover The Rules Governing Use Of Deadly Force You Must Know Before You Pull The Trigger
Situational Awareness - DVD
Transform Yourself From Potential Victim to Vigilant Defender
Empowering Women to Protect What Matters Most - Join Our Community Of Like-Minded Women Who Are Dedicated to Taking Control of Their Loved Ones’ Safety.
The USCCA is the first & largest member-owned association dedicated to educating, training, and insuring responsibly armed Americans. With over 120,000 members and subscribers, the USCCA is your all-in-one resource for home defense and personal preparedness.
To learn more about the USCCA WOMEN’S COMMUNITY click the photo or the “FIND OUT MORE” action button...
Gain Complete Peace Of Mind In An Unpredictable World When You Join The USCCA Family Today [Over 250,000 Patriots Strong]…
To learn more about joining the USCCA click the photo above or the “FIND OUT MORE” action button below.
Finally–Lifesaving Firearms Training Designed Specifically For Women, By Women.
Save 42% on The 3-DVD Training Series that’ll Help You Choose and Carry Your Firearm with Complete Confidence.
The Complete 3-Part Training System: Concealed Carry & Personal Protection Guide for Women, the Regular Price of $81.00 Discounted to just $47.00, (save 42%).
Arm yourself with the nation's #1 publication for self-reliant Americans and save $30 instantly.
As a responsibly armed American, I know you'd do whatever it takes to protect your loved ones. So it makes sense to arm yourself with the #1 resource for self-reliant Americans with cutting edge information brought to you by the nation's leading experts in self-defense and concealed carry.
Trust me, the knowledge you'll gain after reading this magazine and the confidence it'll deliver isn't something you'll want to put off any longer.
Secure your copy of Concealed Carry Magazine today and you'll save $30 instantly, plus get it delivered to your doorstep 8 times per year!
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Firearms Academy: CCW and Concealed Carry Training.
Firearms Education Brea Yorba Linda Placentia Fullerton Anaheim and La Habra . Firearms Education Brea Yorba Linda Placentia Fullerton Anaheim La Habra
This course is designed to give you the information and data to identify, reduce, control, and then eliminate these incidents.
Who should attend?
Part One: What have we learned about Mass Shooters?
Part Two: Countering the Threat
Countering the Mass Shooter Threat
Tuition: Call for Details • an excellent comprehensive course for every • HOUSE of WORSHIP • SCHOOL • BUSINESS • and FAMILY IN AMERICA.
In this training we dive deep into the data of 48 mass shootings to determine what can be learned from these tragedies and how following a comprehensive plan can help you • avoid becoming a victim • eliminate the presence of these shooters once and for all. Essential lessons on topics like • Gun-Free Zones • Magazine Capacity • and using the Run, Hide & Fight Methodology or better yet why 'Move! Escape or Attack' is superior to 'Run, Hide, Fight' . You will receive a copy of an amazing text book “Countering the Mass Shooter Threat” ($35 value*). It is packed full of information and statistics. You will find it a valuable reference book when you have questions after completing the course.
Give good people the security they deserve and yet another reason to worship, educate or do business with you.
* DISCOUNTS: Discounts are available and may be allowed for multiple students from non-profit, charitable and business organizations. For additional savings attendees from the same group may wish to share a textbook or purchase their own. Let's Talk!
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy
(714) 680-5500
Subjects Covered:
Create An Emergency Operations Plan: Discover how you can end attacks early and minimize the number of victims involved in an incident with strategic planning and preparedness training.
Triage and Treat The Wounded: Learn the lifesaving measures you can take to save critically injured victims after an attack is over.
Expert Recommendations: Get advice on topics like how to properly develop an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for your House of Worship, or School or Home or Place of Business.
Understand Your Attacker: Dive into the history of mass shootings, what the statistics tell us, and what your aggressor is likely thinking.
Debunk Common Myths: Finally get your questions about magazine capacity, banning firearms, and special watch lists answered.
Know The Signs: Uncover how you can identify and deter potential shooters before they strike.
This Countering the Mass Shooter Threat course provides a comprehensive playbook for every house of worship, school, business, and family in America. The course looks into the data of 48 mass shootings to determine what can be learned from these tragedies and how following a comprehensive plan can help you to not only avoid becoming a victim, but eliminate the presence of these shooters once and for all.
This course is presented in an easy-to-follow format, including a textbook with information for all experience levels. Essential lessons on topics like gun-free zones, magazine capacity, and using the Run, Hide, Fight Methodology are already saving lives across the nation.
Giving good people the security they deserve and yet another reason to worship, educate or do business with you.
Through our partnership with both the NRA and the USCCA, 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy is thrilled to be able to offer men & women with several fantastic training courses.
Course enrollment is now open with space available. Call or Email Today!
For additional details, Let's Talk!
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy
(714) 680-5500
Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. Vince Lombardi
Many people don't realize it, but firearm marksmanship and safety are perishable skills that must be continuously renewed and reinforced through “proper” practice and training. Every expert firearms instructor recommends regular range time or dry-fire training to both improve and maintain safe, speed & accuracy and the skills needed to ward off deadly attacks... Check back often!
Concealed Carry Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self defense. In this class you will learn conflict avoidance, situational awareness; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters, legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training. Following the course, training and live-fire exercises are conducted on the range.
This course is designed to give participants an entry level understanding of handguns and how to utilize them in self-defense situations. The curriculum is divided into four modules, each with several chapters. Classroom and Laser Pistol simulator time. Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
USCCA, Home Defense Course, is a comprehensive course for every skill level that focuses on firearms as a tool for home defense. Ultimately, the goal is for students to develop a home defense plan. Plus, many more useful subjects! Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.
Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals covers the basics — along with the fun, seriousness and importance of being a responsibly armed female. The basics of shooting will be introduced, reviewed & built upon, while also exploring universal safety rules, situational awareness, common types of handguns, ammo types, marksmanship skills, advanced firearms handling/defensive essentials & the use of deadly force. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Certified NRA Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor & Range Master - Prior to my retirement from law enforcement I served as a Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor and Range Master with Brea Police Department since 1992.
CCW - Concealed Carry Fundamentals Course... This is an EXCELLENT course!
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive seminar for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self defense.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher tells, explains, demonstrates and inspires students to think!
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