(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
5150 HEAT, LLC is a Firearms Training Academy focusing on New Shooters, Good People who Want to Defend their Home and experienced civilians interested in obtaining or renewing their Concealed Carry (CCW) License. We also train police and military personnel.
Call or email Ken or Annie: (714) 680-5500
KC.5150.HEAT@gmail.com • Annie.5150.HEAT@gmail.com
5150 HEAT, LLC - Firearms Training Academy just might be one of the most experienced and comprehensive CCW courses you'll find in SoCal. Our standards are high because we've taught police academy recruits and in-service police officers since 1980. We've instructed thousands of men and women at the professional law enforcement level. We are certain we can teach you too!
The 16-hour minimum California SB-2 compliant CCW Course covers basic firearms handling, Developing a Personal & Home Protection Plan, Self-Defense Firearms Basics, Defensive Shooting Fundamentals, Mental Health & Mental Health Resources, the Legal Use of Force, Violent Encounters & Their Aftermath, Gear & Gadgets, Basic & Advanced Skills, Marksmanship, State & Federal Gun Laws, and finally, storage, and maintenance of weapons. The class is concluded with a course review, discussion, written test, handgun function check, and handgun qualification session at the range.
The class requires you to bring a few things such as your own handgun, ammo, and gear.
The 16-hour minimum California SB-2 compliant CCW Course, just in case we have to field numerous questions is enough to properly learn about the ins & outs - do's & don'ts of concealed carry. Especially if you are a newbie, or require more information and insights.
*** CCW License Initial Course:
Mid-Week Evening Courses Available: At least 16 hours of the California SB-2 compliant CCW Course, Courses for NEW, First-Time CCW candidates who aim to get their license. The cost for the California CCW Course is $325. I am certain you'll benefit from the high-level instruction, as well as owning the 188-page California CCW Handbook course textbook, ($17 Value). Also, the eTextbook: California Gun Laws & What You Need to Know on a USB Zip Drive ($35 Value). Don’t forget the California Firearms Laws Summary, by CA DOJ. Plus, numerous Student Handouts.
*** CCW License Initial Course:
Weekend Courses Available: At least 16 hours of the California SB-2 compliant CCW Course, Courses for NEW, First-Time CCW candidates who aim to get their license. The cost for the California CCW Course is $325. I am certain you'll benefit from the high-level instruction, as well as owning the 188-page California CCW Handbook course textbook, ($17 Value). Also, the eTextbook: California Gun Laws & What You Need to Know on a USB Zip Drive ($35 Value). Don’t forget the California Firearms Laws Summary, by CA DOJ. Plus, numerous Student Handouts.
CCW License Renewal Course:
Mid-Week Evening Courses Available: 8-hour Minimum California SB-2 compliant CCW Course for current CCW holders who need to renew their license. $175 (Includes: eTextbook, California Gun Laws & What You Need to Know on a USB Zip Drive ($35 Value). California Firearms Laws Summary, by CA DOJ. Plus, Student Handouts). Our CCW Renewal courses usually consist of presentation of recent California Laws & Updates, discussion, Q&A. The final stage will be dedicated to firearm(s) inspection & qualification. Then, finally, presentation of CCW Certificates of Completion.
CCW License Renewal Course:
Weekend Courses Available: 8-hour Minimum CaliforniaCalifornia SB-2 compliant CCW Course,Courses for who need to renew their license. $175 (Includes: eTextbook, California Gun Laws & What You Need to Know on a USB Zip Drive ($35 Value). California Firearms Laws Summary, by CA DOJ. Plus, Student Handouts). Our CCW Renewal courses usually consist of presentation of recent California Laws & Updates, discussion, Q&A. The final stage will be dedicated to firearm(s) inspection & qualification. Then, finally, presentation of CCW Certificates of Completion.
CCW AMENDMENT: Add or Change a Handgun - $65.00 to $100. Non-5150 HEAT student alumni.
Inflation Buster!
Included with CCW License Course:
CCW, Concealed Carry Weapon Training
Tuition & Class Times
Initial, (1st Time) $325 (Increase due to passage of Gov. Newsom's SB-2 Unconstitutional Law)
Renewal $175 (Increase due to passage of Gov. Newsom's SB-2 Unconstitutional Law)
California Concealed Weapons (CCW) Course (Weeknight Classes)
California Concealed Weapons (CCW) Course
(Weekend Classes)
(714) 680-5500
Thanks, 5150 HEAT, LLC
• PART 1: Tuesday Evenings 6 pm to10 pm, 4 hrs.
• PART 2: Thursday Evenings 6 pm to 10 pm, 4 hrs.*
• Saturdays (Day Class): 9 AM until 5:30 PM, 8.5 hrs.*
(*) Take Your California FSC (Firearms Safety Card ) Test to Buy a Handgun & Ammo at the conclusion of class $25
See below for additional details...
• PART 1: Tuesday Evenings 6 pm to 10 pm, 4 hrs.
• PART 2: Thursday Evenings 6 pm to 10 pm, 4 hrs.*
• Saturdays (Day Class): 9 AM until 5:30 PM, 8.5 hrs.*
(*) Take Your California FSC (Firearms Safety Card ) Test to Buy a Handgun & Ammo at the conclusion of class $25
See below for additional details...
The first step to legally acquire a firearm in California is to obtain a Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC). I can help because I’m a California DOJ Certified Instructor. Our Basic Pistol Course will help you pass the 30-question, (10 T&F and 20 multiple choice test. Your cost is $25 and you will be issued an FSC, valid for five years. When you're ready to buy your handgun the Firearm Dealer will need your FSC number in order to complete firearm transaction form.
So, if you plan on attending any of our Firearms Training Courses and you don’t have your FSC, or if its expired. Don’t worry–you can take the test after the firearms course and maybe leave wit your California FSC in your hand. Just let us know when you register for the class. I recommend reviewing both the Firearm Safety Certificate Study Guide and the California FSC Study Guide, Practice Quizzes & Study Material before class.
Prospective students are encouraged to contact Annie Guzman:
• Office: (714) 680-5500;
• Email:kc.5150.HEAT@gmail.com ;
• Mobile: (714) 981-6900.
• Contact Annie Guzman or Ken Clements with any questions or to register.
• $50 Deposit is required to hold your seat in class.
• Remainder of tuition to be paid on day of class.
We love our customers, so feel free to contact us anytime.
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy
• (714) 680-5500
2715 Saturn Street, Brea, CA 92821, us
(714) 577-7777 or (714) 680-5500 or Mobile: (714) 981-6900
Today | By Appointment |
General George Patton told his officers, “Don’t worry about your flanks. Let the enemy worry about his flanks.” I say it's time for armed society to stop worrying about the criminal, and to let the criminal start worrying about armed society. And by “armed society” I mean you! - Ken 'KC' Clements
This is a comprehensive roundtable for anyone considering owning a firearm for self-defense in their home. The class is approximately 6-hours in length. In this seminar you will learn conflict avoidance, situational awareness; review of handgun, shotgun & AR-15; review of shooting fundamentals; prepare a home security survey; physiology of violent encounters; legal aspects of using deadly force; what to do in the aftermath; updates on gear, gadgets & ongoing training... Plus much more!
The basic firearms classes offered by 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy is actually four-classes rolled into one very informativtraining course. Students tell us our methods of training are far superior to other firearms training classes offered in California.
1. Basic Firearms Fundamentals Course.
2. NRA Basic Pistol Course
3. Safe SIRT Laser Pistol training - on premises.
4. Live fire training with your firearms instructor
The basic firearms classes offered by 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy is actually four-classes rolled into one very informative training course. Students tell us our methods of training are far superior to other firearms training classes offered in California.
1. Basic Firearms Fundamentals Course.
2. NRA Basic Pistol Course
3. Safe SIRT Laser Pistol training - on premises.
4. Live fire training with your firearms instructor
General George Patton told his officers, “Don’t worry about your flanks. Let the enemy worry about his flanks.” I say it's time for armed society to stop worrying about the criminal, and to let the criminal start worrying about armed society. And by “armed society” I mean you! - Ken 'KC' Clements
Are you new to firearms and want proper training on cleaning & caring for your firearm?
This class is designed to help new gun owners learn and understand the best possible way to clean and maintain their firearms.
Learn from a knowledgeable instructor with over 42 years of stripping, cleaning, reassembling various firearms. Come to class with the firearm you want to clean.
Interested? You Found the Right Place!
Curriculum Description
Concealed Carry is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. The course is a complete guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath). Tuition: (Costs vary call Ken at (714) 680*-5500)
Laser Pistol Training is ideal for beginners to learn pistol safety & the fundamentals of handgun marksmanship skills or provide experienced shooters with methods to fine tune their skills. Laser pistol training equates to NO LIVE FIRE! Laser pistol training is perfect for introducing students to handguns& excellent for one-on-one shooting instruction before students take a live fire class.
Demystify stance, grip, sight picture, trigger, breath control, proper follow through.
General George Patton told his officers, “Don’t worry about your flanks. Let the enemy worry about his flanks.” I say it's time for armed society to stop worrying about the criminal, and to let the criminal start worrying about armed society. And by “armed society” I mean you! - Ken 'KC' Clements
Flyer - California CCW Concealed Carry Training Weeknights & Weekends January 2024 (pdf)
DownloadTips on Choosing the Right Firearm Instructor (pdf)
DownloadFlyer - Arizona’Multi State CCW Permit Details June 2023 (pdf)
Download2023 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE SB 2 (pdf)
DownloadCCW Tips & Tactics for Older Armed Citizens (pdf)
DownloadDisparity of Force - Copy (pdf)
DownloadThe Tueller Drill Revisited (pdf)
DownloadUSCCA_23ProvenStrategies (pdf)
DownloadUnderstanding Our Second Amendments (pdf)
DownloadTheEssentialSecondAmmendment_Ebook (pdf)
DownloadOCSD Policy 218 - 2024 (pdf)
DownloadCCW Terms of License - 2024 (pdf)
DownloadThe state of Arizona issues permits to both residents & non-residents.
You need to protect yourself and your family when traveling! Several States issue Multi-State, Non-Resident CCW Permits that have no State residency requirement and may be obtained by any legal resident of the United States (States that do not restrict Gun possession or Gun ownership). These are the best Multi-State Concealed Carry Permits available. The Arizona CCW Permit will allow Arizona Residents to legally carry in 36 States. The Florida CCW Permit is the only Non-Resident Permit available to California residents that will allow you to legally carry in Florida, and 29 other States. Get trained and get your Multi-State CCW Permit ASAP!
We are taking class registrations for Multi-State, Non-Resident CCW Permits. Call Annie Guzman to register for either the Arizona or Florda class you want to attend. Call (714) 680-5500 to register.
This course is designed to give participants an entry level understanding of handguns and how to utilize them in self-defense situations. The curriculum is divided into four modules, each with several chapters. Classroom and Laser Pistol simulator time. Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
USCCA, Home Defense Course, is a comprehensive course for every skill level that focuses on firearms as a tool for home defense. Ultimately, the goal is for students to develop a home defense plan. Plus, many more useful subjects! Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.
Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals covers the basics — along with the fun, seriousness and importance of being a responsibly armed female. The basics of shooting will be introduced, reviewed & built upon, while also exploring universal safety rules, situational awareness, common types of handguns, ammo types, marksmanship skills, advanced firearms handling/defensive essentials & the use of deadly force. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Certified NRA Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor & Range Master - Prior to my retirement from law enforcement I served as a Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor and Range Master with Brea Police Department since 1992.
CCW - Concealed Carry Fundamentals Course... This is an EXCELLENT course!
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive seminar for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self defense.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher tells, explains, demonstrates and inspires students to think!
DownloadTuition: $45 (per student/per hour)
Save $$$ Buy a Three Hr. Block $119 or Five Hr. Block $199.
The NRA has approved Laser Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training that’s ideal for beginners to learn pistol safety and marksmanship or provide experienced shooters with a way to fine tune their skills. Laser pistol training equates to NO LIVE FIRE! Laser pistol training is perfect for introducing students to handguns and also excellent for one-on-one shooting instruction before students take a live fire class.
Training focuses on the fundamentals of handgun safety, pistol marksmanship and we demystify topics such as stance, grip, sight picture, trigger, breath control and proper follow through. We use a high-tech Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT) professional training laser pistols that are totally safe yet, hefty enough to feel realistic and has functional trigger, magazine and sights. This is paired with another futuristic Laser Activated Shot Reporting, (LASR) system that records & analyzes every shot. The end result, you’ll leave the class knowing the basic marksmanship fundamentals and know when applied; they really work.
5150 HEAT Has Changed the World of Firearms Training!
And, worse yet it leaves the shooter with HUGE TRAINING GAPS! The major problems with relying on live fire range training alone are:
Cost: Ammo is expensive and sometimes hard to find. Add to that the range fees, targets, gear, cleaning your weapons; your transportation to and from the range, plus the long wait times at a crowded live fire range just isn't something most of us can do every week.
Full Range of Motion: Pulling the trigger is one thing but professionals know you also need to train drawing the firearm from your concealed holster, readying the firearm, getting into a stance & grip, reloading, malfunctions and re-holstering the gun. Not only do most ranges have rules against this but it can also be very dangerous to train these skills with a fully loaded firearm.
Stationary: Real life never holds still, except at the range and you’re probably only allowed to stand still and fire at a single stationary target. This doesn't prepare you for a world where targets move and you need to move too.
Single Target: Both indoor & outdoor ranges have rules against setting up multiple targets but in real life you shouldn't bet your life on engaging a single assailant.
Rapid Fire: Not allowed, don’t even thing about it!
Tuition: $45 (per student / per hour)
LIVE FIRE AT THE SHOOTING RANGE - Tuition: $100 per student/per hour, (discounted to $75 each for 2 students): for groups of 3 or more and for additional details, please contact me at: (714) 680-5500 or eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@gmail.com Let’s Talk!
SIRT Laser Pistol Training Sept. 2020 (pdf)
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