(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
Post-Incident Instructions
First, call 911. After the police arrive, initally, say only the following:
Additional important details to consider:
1. MAKE SURE YOU ARE SAFE: Make sure you are safe from any threat before doing anything. Verify that the suspect no longer poses a threat. Visually scan for other suspects and visually verify that the suspect no longer has access to a weapon. Do not approach the suspect or move evidence.
2. BE THE FIRST TO CALL 911: Be the first one to call 911. Even if you do not pull the trigger. If the incident was serious enough for you to deploy your firearm, make a report. Always remember police officers commonly identify the first person who calls as the victim.
3. INITIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE: From a position of safety call 911. Request emergency medical services if needed for you the suspect or others. Describe what you are wearing and let the dispatcher know you will not have your weapon in your hand when the officers arrive. Tell the 911 Operator something similar to, “I HAD TO USE THE WEAPON IN SELF DEFENSE“ “ I was forced to defend myself”, “I was in fear for my life”, or “I was attacked”. Do not elaborate or give a detailed account of the incident. This is not the time.
4. PREPARE FOR RESPONDING OFFICERS: As you hear or see police cars or officers getting close, holster your weapon. Officers responding to a shooting incident often have a heightened level of concern for their safety so be prepared to follow their directions. Raise your empty hands above your head with palms facing officers and listen to their commands. They will disarm you and may handcuff you. Do not hand them your CCW Safe card nor mention you have a service for self-defense shootings.
5. YOUR INITIAL RESPONSE MATTERS: Remember your defense begins with you... What you say and do can make or break your case. Provide initial information to the responding officers. This is still not the time to give a detailed statement. You could say, “I WAS FORCED TO DEFEND MY LIFE”, “THAT IS THE SUSPECT, HE ATTACKED ME”. If asked to give a detailed statement acknowledge your intent to Cooperate “I WANT TO GIVE A FULL STATEMENT BUT IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ATTORNEY.”
6. IDENTIFY CASE ELEMENTS TO OFFICERS: What you don't say could also hurt your case. Officers need a few case elements to present to the investigators. A basic case element statement might include the following: “THAT IS THE SUSPECT AND THE WEAPON HE PULLED ON ME IS THERE.” Basic case elements might include the following: “THAT PERSON IS A WITNESS.” Just remember this is still not the time for a detailed statement.
7. INFORM OFFICERS OF INJURIES: Let officers know of any injuries you may have sustained and make sure that they are documented before you are cleaned up. If you are injured in any way, request to be taken to the hospital for evaluation. This is not the time to be macho because your injuries can be presented to support your decision to use deadly force. Remember just because you are not bleeding doesn’t mean you should not be checked for internal injuries that you may not realize you have due to the adrenaline overload associated with facing a traumatic occurrence.
8. CONTROL THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE INCIDENT: Do not post anything on social media, or share through any device information to family or friends. Do not exchange stories with witnesses or news personnel on the scene. Do not make off color comments or laugh at the jokes of others.
9. PROVIDE IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ONLY: Explain to Law Enforcement that you would like to give a full statement and interview in the presence of your attorney. Give the responding officers your basic identifying information only. Request to notify your representation. Contact your emergency contacts and request that they notify CCW Safe of the emergency.
10. If you are a member of a legal service keep that information close: It is very important to have legal servicePlease be alert, safe out there and remember assess every situation asking yourself, “If I didn’t have a weapon on me at this time what would I do?” That one question could keep you from being launched into a traumatic incident that will change your life.
Before you call 911, just STOP!
You need to call 911 promptly. However, before you call, take a deep breath and calm yourself. Breath slowly & deeply. Collect your thoughts and your emotions and shift your focus on what you’re doing .
If possible, consider having someone else place the call on your behalf.
The instant you're connected to 911, a recorder will start capturing every word you say and emotional inflections in your voice. This is the beginning of the police investigation.
The 911 operator is not your friend. Operators will keep you on the phone and prompt you to answer as many questions as possible.
Be careful, even though you must provide basic information to get medical help & law enforcement. Given your present state of mind the less you say at this point, the better.
Recall in your mind the exact sequence of events that led to the use of deadly force incident. Remember what actions led you to believe you were faced with an imminent threat. When you feel you're ready, make the call.
Call 911.
Remember, you are being recorded and this is not the time to provide too many details or to present a lengthy statement. Just be clear concise & brief about what just happened. Your goal is to notify the authorities and advise them to dispatch an ambulance.
This is the information you should share with the 911 operator:
Here's an example of how your 911 call would sound like:
Operator: 911. What is your emergency?
You: Operator, my name is <your name>. I'm at <street address>. I was attacked and feared for my life. There has been a shooting. Send an ambulance and the police. I'll be <your location at the address>. My <physical description> and I'm wearing <description of your clothing>.
You are at home with your wife and two children. The call might sound something like this:
Operator: 911. What is your emergency?
You: Operator, my name is John Doe. I'm at my home at 123 Maple Street. I was attacked and feared for my life and the lives of my family. There has been a shooting. The attacker: (is incapacitated / unconscious and I have holstered my weapon) ---or--- the attacker: (is wounded and I am holding him at gunpoint until the police arrive). Send an ambulance and police. I'll be standing at the front door with my wife. My children are with our next door neighbors in their home. I'm a white male, 6 feet tall with glasses and black hair. I'm wearing blue jeans and a red polo shirt.
End the call? Well, probably not. The operator may keep you on the line after dispatching officers to your location. S/he may ask you to repeat your address or other information. But you should avoid providing too many details with a 911 operator and their recorder. You may feel sick. If so, explain that you are upset and feel sick and that you need to hang up.
Note: this is tricky. When the police arrive, do not have the gun in your hand unless you are subduing your attacker. Be prepared to identify yourself and surrender your firearm immediately. You do not want law enforcement to mistake you for the attacker.
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5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy Legal Disclaimer
(714) 680-5500
NEVER! Call 911 in a panic.
NEVER! Leave the scene.
NEVER! Move or tamper with evidence.
NEVER! Have your gun in your hand when the police arrive.
NEVER! Make a statement to police before you talk to your lawyer.
NEVER! Fall for good cop bad cop.
NEVER! Try your case on the spot.
NEVER! Lecture police on the law or your rights.
NEVER! Fail to use the word "sir or mam."
NEVER! Be surprised if you are treated like a criminal.
Good Example:
"My gun is laying over there, and that is the gun that I used to shoot my attacker in self defense because I feared for my life. Those people saw the attack. I am willing to sign a complaint. I do not want to say anything else until I have had an opportunity to speak with my attorney. I want to cooperate with the investigation completely, but I'm very upset right now and I need to speak with my attorney first. I hope you understand."
At some point you will be required to provide a full statement to police, you can expect to be asked for a number of specific details about the incident, some of which probably did not stand out to you as pertinent—for instance words said back and forth, what clothing you were wearing or where someone was positioned and/or moved within a room. Try to prepare by visualizing the scene beforehand and memorizing all of the details that you can. If the police did not find evidence of criminal action on your part, the interview and questioning process is unlikely to be adversarial. Nevertheless, you may be found innocent in the eyes of the law. But, that does not mean that you are safe from liability in a civil suit.
JOIN USCCA NOW! It’s Your Ultimate Peace of Mind! You’re just minutes away from immediate protection. Join the USCCA Now To Get Protected Immediately!
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5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy Legal Disclaimer
(714) 680-5500
Before meeting with your lawyer and at your earliest convenience, write down EVERYTHING you remember.
This might be a painful process, but you HAVE to prepare a statement of what occurred as soon as possible. This should include:
All of this information is going to be pulled from other witnesses, so you need to have your facts straight. If there is a trial, you may need to testify, and your attorney will use this information to rehearse with you multiple times to avoid a different type of legal ambush.
The two days after you’ve been involved in a self-defense shooting will be as trying as any period of time you’ve likely endured. Like all things self-defense, it’s better to be prepared and consider your options now than to wait until it might be too late.
YOU’VE TRAINED FOR THIS DAY: The crossroads of danger and preparation have intersected, and you’ve ended the life of someone who threatened yourself, your family or your home. After the shooting stops and the smoke clears, there is a lifeless or injured body lying in front of you. In a split second, you saved a life — your own, your family’s or someone in grave danger. Guess what? You’re not out of danger yet. This is where the most uncomfortable limbo starts. Will you be charged with involuntary manslaughter, second-degree murder, reckless endangerment or a host of other criminal charges by some crusading district attorney? Or will the matter be closed as a justifiable homicide as a result of self-defense? The first 48 hours after any self-defense shooting will very likely determine whether your home is where your family is or if the state will provide you shelter in the ol’ Graybar Hotel. You’ve mentally scripted and rehearsed every angle of attack for the self-defense action you’ve taken, but have you prepared for the legal battle that could ensue?
The actions described in this article are simply non-negotiable. Stick to the script or be prepared to spend enough money to put your attorney’s children through college. There is no guarantee that the advice given in this article will keep you out of jail, but it should greatly improve your odds and force any hot-shot district attorney to consider whether it’s worth the time, money and judicial resources to attempt to get a conviction when your actions can be reasonably justified. The following steps are designed to avoid arrest, an indictment by a grand jury or, the most humiliating of all, a ruinous civil suit by the family of the lowlife perpetrator who’ll claim that you used unnecessary and deadly force to stop their kin from making you a crime statistic. Let’s work through this chronologically.
Shots Fired, Man Down
Your immediate actions here are some of the most important elements of any judicial action law enforcement might decide to take. According to any number of statistical sampling, the average response time for the police to appear is between 8 and 11 minutes. During this time, you need to clear your head and take some critical mental notes. First, holster your weapon when police arrive. The last thing you need is a police officer walking onto the scene, seeing you with a drawn weapon and shooting you before you have time to proclaim your innocence. Make sure you can also tell police where the perpetrator’s weapon is. The last thing you want is someone picking it up and leaving, thereby making you appear to have shot an unarmed person.
Speak Carefully
Hopefully there will be witnesses there, so someone will have called 911. You do not necessarily want a voice record of you calmly calling the police after you’ve shot someone. Emergency dispatch operators are trained to keep you on the phone and to try to extract as much information as possible. This tape will be played nationally, so don’t give a prosecutor the opportunity to tell a jury that you were cold-blooded and clear-headed after the shooting.
Make mental notes of the witnesses and their positions to the shooting and the aftermath. Create a mental grid of where people are standing. My suggestion is to look around you and pretend you’re standing on a piece of paper. Mentally divide the paper into four squares, count how many people there are in each square and try to guess how far away from you they are.
The crime scene will be scoured, and the homicide detectives will be taking statements from each witness. You want to make sure someone who was 30 feet away doesn’t swear that they heard every syllable of conversation between you and the perpetrator. You want to be able to recall if witnesses were close enough to see the shooting and, if necessary, attempt to impeach their testimony.
Don’t Touch the Crime Scene
This will only aggravate the police and make you look like a suspect, or worst of all, create grounds for arresting you for hiding evidence or tampering with the scene.
Don’t Reach for that Card in Your Wallet You Picked Up at the Gun Store that Tells You What to do if You Shoot Someone.
Some people think that handing responding officers a pre-printed card with a statement is the best substitute for memorizing your rights. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Some hotshot district attorney might try to prove that this was premeditated and that you were looking for a victim. Invoke your right to have an attorney present during questioning and wait for his arrival.
Ask Someone to Call for an Ambulance
If your attacker is still alive, you want to demonstrate that you’re not a stone-cold murderer. Stay still, observe and if anyone asks you if you’re OK, tell them you think you might be in shock. Don’t have any sort of discussion with bystanders or witnesses. Don’t ask if they saw the whole thing, if they will tell the police what happened or anything else. Everything that happens after the bullet left the gun is now evidence.
When the Police Arrive, Don’t Answer Questions Without Your Attorney Present
They will start asking you a battery of questions including how many times you fired, what the other person was doing to provoke your reaction and if you are licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Don’t consent to a search (they’re going to do it anyway), and if you’re with family members, tell them not to answer any questions until they too have spoken with an attorney. Cooperate with the police to the barest minimum — but respectfully. Tell them you need to speak to your lawyer before you make any statements. (Never, ever say, “I think I need to talk to my lawyer.” This will allow them to continue questioning you.) If an ambulance hasn’t arrived, ask for one for yourself as well as the perpetrator.
If the police inform you that you’re under arrest, politely but unequivocally decline to answer any questions without your lawyer present. You need to give your attorney and yourself time to react to the situation. Going to the hospital and being checked for shock, injury and any other possible reaction will help you clear your head and prepare for the days to come. If the police decide to lock you up, which is a probability, be mentally prepared to stay there until you’ve had a bail hearing. Don’t talk to any inmates if you can possibly avoid it; they would sell you into slavery to reduce their sentence.
Contact Your Lawyer When You’re Alone
You don’t need anyone overhearing you tell your lawyer you killed a lowlife and need representation. This is a conversation that should take place face to face without any observers. Before your meeting and at your earliest convenience, write down everything you remember.
Prepare a Statement of What Occurred as Soon as Possible
Write down every detail you can remember on paper. What words were spoken? What actions caused you to draw and shoot? How long was the confrontation? How many witnesses were there? Where were you coming from and where were you going? What were you wearing? When did you and the perpetrator draw your weapons?
All of this information is going to be pulled from other witnesses, so you need to have your story straight and logically formatted. If there is a trial, you might need to testify, so your attorney will rehearse with you multiple times to avoid an ambush.
USCCA IS OPEN 24/7, CALL TODAY: 844-339-8548 or https://www.usconcealedcarry.com
Ken Clements USCCA Instructor / Affiliate Number: 12103
The Morning After
Killing someone in self-defense makes a great news piece. As they say in the press, “If it bleeds, it leads.” If you’re allowed to go home, you might wake up to find camera crews on your lawn, photographers looking through your windows and other gawkers wondering what happened. This is when rumors begin and the full-bore investigation gets started. Have someone in your family call the police and tell them that there are news crews trespassing on your property. If they’re on the sidewalk or the street, leave them alone.
Never speak to the media or have any family members speak to them. Even if they are in your face when you leave your house, do not answer anything no matter how much they provoke you. George Zimmerman gave an interview with Sean Hannity, and the special prosecutor used it as evidence against him.
Meet With Your Lawyer the Day After
Prepare to tell your story in painful detail. Leave out nothing. Your lawyer is sworn to secrecy, and she can’t protect you without knowing absolutely everything that happened. Your lawyer will call the police and ask for any information related to the incident, including witness statements, ballistics testing and whether there is an assistant district attorney now assigned to the investigation. Additionally, your lawyer will contact the police and ask if charges are going to be issued against you, whether a grand jury will be convened and if a list of witnesses is available. Realistically, none of this will be given out until actual charges are initiated, but proactive legal work might help avoid a trial.
Work with your attorney to find out anything and everything about the perpetrator. She will ask for discovery if you’re charged, and it will all come out, but a running start might help reinforce the reality that you were assaulted by a repeat offender.
Stay Out of Sight
This might sound difficult, but it is not impossible, and time is your friend here. I would recommend avoiding anyone for two weeks if possible. You want this to become old news replaced by the latest incident in order to prevent continued front-page coverage. Don’t talk to the media, police or anyone other than your lawyer about what happened.
Check All of Your Weapons for Proper Storage
If the police decide to obtain a search warrant and look through your home for evidence, the last thing they need to see is a gun sitting on the kitchen table without a trigger lock on it. Get on the Internet and double check what the legal requirements are for proper storage of a firearm in your state. You don’t want a prosecutor who is unable to prove a case to use your carelessness as evidence of reckless endangerment.
USCCA IS OPEN 24/7, CALL TODAY: 844-339-8548 or https://www.usconcealedcarry.com
Ken Clements USCCA Instructor / Affiliate Number: 12103 ***THANKS***
Two Days After
Within 48 hours of the self-defense shooting, the police will have finished with the crime scene, and evidence will be collected. Toxicology reports will be started on the corpse of your attacker. If you were arrested, bail will likely be arranged by this time. If you haven’t been charged, you’ll be at home staring at the walls wondering what to do next. The police are investigating, your lawyer is probably speaking to contacts to see if you’re going to be charged or indicted and you feel as if your life is in the hands of people who don’t understand that only one person was going to walk away from the worst night of your life. Thank God it was you.
Your next move is to begin your own investigation. Any questions, requests for information, freedom of information requests, etc., cannot be seen emanating from you. Have a trusted friend, spouse or relative begin to build a case against the perpetrator. Go online and do a criminal check on him. The Internet has a host of sites where you can find criminal records. Start to put together a matrix based on your search of Facebook or any other social media site of this person’s friends and contacts. Did they post a picture of themselves on Facebook pointing a gun? Are people they associate with on the web as well?
Remember, if the district attorney is going to prosecute you, they will be doing the same to you. This effort will save you the money you would have to pay your attorney or a private investigator to research. Even if you’re charged and found innocent at trial, legal bills will grow very quickly. You can never tell what your attorney might miss, so protect your own interests. Send out freedom of information requests for lab results, the 911 message, police tapes, etc. You might not be a lawyer, but this is all information that will be critical to your defense should you need one. Share the information with your lawyer as soon as you receive it. Your goal is to get this done as soon as possible in order to begin a strong argument against indictment. Once again, don’t tell your story to anyone but your lawyer or your spouse. Neither can be forced to testify against you, but anyone else is fair game.
Stay calm, stay focused and gradually ease back into your daily routine. This will be on your mind for months, if not years, to come, but right now, you need to reinforce the narrative that you’re the victim.
Keep your head up. You trained for this day, and you successfully defended yourself. Now comes the second phase, where you need to prove it was justified.
USCCA IS OPEN 24/7, CALL TODAY: 844-339-8548 or https://www.usconcealedcarry.com
Ken Clements USCCA Instructor / Affiliate Number: 12103 ***THANKS***
You carry your pistol. You are ready. You are prepared for what the world may throw at you. You are giving criminal predators an opportunity to make a fatal error in the victim-selection process. But do you know the rules?
Yes, there are rules. These are huge, complicated state statutes and, in some cases, municipal codes. And they are important. You need to know them, understand them, and follow them. We are, after all, law-abiding gun owners. That is how we want the rest of the country to think of us. That is how we should act.
Living in Wisconsin, I waited a good long time for a concealed carry law to be passed. I occasionally opted to carry openly in accordance with the law, but there was always the concern that I might get the “restaurant treatment” the way a group of open carry advocates got in Madison. If you don’t remember the story, five guys went into a fast-food restaurant with guns on their hips. A skittish anti-gunner then called police to “check and see” if it was legal. It was, of course, [That's not necessarily the case in California*] but the local Madison cops didn’t get the memo. They demanded I.D. from the members of the group. Well, police can’t demand I.D. unless you are suspected of committing a crime. [That's not necessarily the case in California] None of these guys were, so they politely refused. And immediately got cited for disorderly conduct. The charges were eventually thrown out and the judge issued a stern warning to all law enforcement: The simple act of legally carrying a firearm is not a crime and does not rise to the level of disorderly conduct.
So word got out. People started learning the rules. Then the state’s CCW law passed and 150,000 of us rushed to get permits. And the best thing I could say about the permitting process is that each envelope carrying a permit also contains a pamphlet outlining the rules. This is wonderful and important. But I wonder how many permit holders really read the whole thing and kept it for future reference.
This is good stuff. It opens, as it should with a section on firearms safety before moving on to sections labeled: Law Enforcement Contact, Prohibited Locations, School Grounds and Premises, Taverns and Alcohol and more. The segments explain clearly what is and isn’t allowed and suggest you look up the proper state statute for exceptions and explanations.
My favorite section is labeled “If You Use Your Weapon in Self-Defense.” It happens to be the longest of the sections and provides valuable information about how you will be treated by police provided you follow the rules and don’t do anything stupid. Near the end of the segment readers see a reassuring sentence: Off-duty police officers involved in a shooting are handled in this same manner.
I decided to keep this piece of paper and review it from time to time. Assuming other states are as responsible as Wisconsin, I suggest you seek out and review your state’s rules concerning concealed carry. Knowledge is power. Keep on the right side of the law and prove to the world gun owners are good people.
By Kevin Michalowski Executive editor of Concealed Carry Magazine, fully certified law enforcement officer USCCA & NRA Certified Trainer and friend of 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy.
(*) Open Carrying in California
Although the open carrying of loaded firearms (both handguns and long guns) in public is generally prohibited in California, the sheriff of any county with a population under 200,000 people, or the chief of police of a city within that county, may issue licenses to carry a loaded, exposed handgun. Those licenses are only valid in the county where they are issued, but are otherwise identical to California concealed weapons license. For more information about these licenses, and about the carrying of concealed firearms in California generally, see the Concealed Weapons Permitting in California section.
California law now generally prohibits any person from carrying an exposed and unloaded handgun upon his or her person outside of a vehicle in a public place. This prohibition is subject to a number of exceptions, including for peace officers, military personnel, licensed hunters, and the carrying of an unloaded handgun in a locked container. The violation of this law is a misdemeanor in most cases.
See the our Concealed Weapons Permitting policy summary for a comprehensive discussion of this issue.
You can learn more about California's CCW, Concealed Carry Law and how 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy can assist you by contacting our Member Service Agents. Call us at: (714) 680-5500.
With firearms ownership comes serious responsibilities. These responsibilities take several forms, including—
1. Responsibility to ensure that your firearms do not fall into criminal hands due to carelessness or neglect.
2. Responsibility to ensure that a child does not get a hold of your firearm, resulting in a tragedy. 3. Responsibility to ensure that when you are handling guns, your actions are safe for all around you.
4. And finally, it is your responsibility to understand the laws regarding use of deadly force in self defense and to be aware of what happens within the legal system when a citizen uses deadly force in self defense.
Let’s briefly discuss the first three. The first and second responsibilities are dual responsibilities, entailing both a moral responsibility and a legal one. Because in the past many people have not done their part to secure their guns, jurisdictions are now passing laws making it a criminal act to leave guns unsecured, especially where children have access to them. Do your part and make sure your guns are locked up whenever not in use.
Next, careless gun handling is the curse of the untrained. Even if you know how to load, shoot and otherwise operate your guns, you must also do this safely. Each gun owner should seek out competent training in gun handling and education on safe gun handling.
And lastly, the need to understand the legal system and the laws regarding use of deadly force is the key to making sure you sleep in your own bed the night after an act of self defense, not sleeping on a jail cot.
This booklet, offered as a public service by the Armed Citizens’ Educational Foundation, serves to start your legal education and begin your journey toward being a safe and knowledgeable gun owner.
Dry Fire: Allows you to train like this in your own home or any location that's safe private and out of public view. Set up a dry-fire training center in your home such as the family room, garage, basement, attic or backyard . Focus on your stance and grip. Then increase your speed. Practice sight picture, sight alignment and trigger control. Work your draw. Practice various reloading drills. Change the light conditions. This is a thing and it’s what responsibly armed Americans do.
Click on the image to the left or click "DRY FIRE TRAINING ANYWHERE" below for some GREAT TRAINING IDEAS that every shooter should be utilizing for 70% to 80% of their ongoing firearms training!
Like any other activity-based business, gun ranges employ varying guidelines. But many of the overriding gun range rules apply everywhere. For example, the four cardinal rules of gun safety — while wording may differ — remain constant:
While basic safety behavior is always the same, specific indoor and outdoor shooting range rules can vary from place to place. Click on the image to the right or click "GUN RANGE RULES" below for some range rules and policies you’re likely to encounter.
All indoor & outdoor gun ranges operate on a set of "RANGE RULES." Many of the core rules you will encounter are the same at every shooting range. Other rules might be unique to specific locations and still others are just plain old fashion common sense. Nevertheless, shooting range rules are procedures established to benefit everyone's safety and enjoyment.
Click on the image to the left or click on "TIPS for FIRST-TIME SHOOTERS" below for tips that first-time Shooters are likely to need.
Through our partnership with USCCA, we are thrilled to be able to offer you this fantastic deal. During the entire month of December, new signups for USCCA’s Self-Defense SHIELD insurance program will also be entered to win a firearm in that day’s drawing. If you are an uninsured or underinsured concealed carrier, Self-Defense SHIELD is THE program to enroll in, for peace of mind and firm legal backing.
The USCCA Self-Defense SHIELD insurance-backed member benefit safeguards the futures of over 230,000 responsibly armed Americans from all 50 states. It provides legal and financial protection against criminal and civil charges if you’re ever forced to defend your life or the lives of your loved ones.
When you combine the education, training and protection of the Self-Defense SHIELD, you will discover that the USCCA is the ultimate solution for responsible, American gun owners.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year & Good Luck!
How Does Your USCCA Self-Defense Insurance Work?
1. You’re forced to protect yourself, your family, or other innocent lives with your firearm (or knife, even fists for that matter…)
2. First, you call 9-1-1 and report the incident. You explain that you’ve been attacked, feared for your life, and were forced to defend yourself.
3. Then, you call your Critical Response Team. On the other end of the line, you’ll find a highly-trained, compassionate case manager who is prepared to help you every step of the way.
4. When the police arrive, you’ll know exactly what to do, and what NOT to say. Your case manager will have already prepared you for what’s ahead, and have a check written for your bail in case you are still arrested.
5. From this point on every situation will differ, however, you can rest easy–from the comfort of your own home–knowing that you have the power of the USCCA on your side.
You’re armed with a pro-Second Amendment attorney, the guidance of your Critical Response Team Manager, and the financial backing to prepare you for both criminal and civil defenses...
JOIN USCCA NOW! It’s Your Ultimate Peace of Mind!
You’re just minutes away from immediate protection.
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Road Rage Attack: Witness How
Pepper Spray Nearly Cost Brad Everything...
Are You Protected...?
Brad never thought that doing the RIGHT thing could cost him EVERYTHING.
Watch now for all of the outrageous details...
A year ago if you asked Brad if he thought he’d be charged for using his pepper spray in self-defense he may have laughed…
Unfortunately, at the USCCA we come across cases like this all the time…
The deck is already stacked against you as a responsibly armed American…
But the good news is, there’s something you can do about it…
Activate your USCCA membership today and get covered by up to 2,250,000 in Self-Defense SHIELD protection…
Whether you're forced to shoot some thug in self-defense, use pepper spray, or even defend yourself with your two bare hands, the USCCA’s got your back…
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Giving good people the security they deserve and yet another reason to worship, educate or do business with you.
Through our partnership with both the NRA and the USCCA, 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy is thrilled to be able to offer men & women with several fantastic training courses.
Course enrollment is now open with space available. Call or Email Today!
For additional details, Let's Talk!
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy
(714) 680-5500
Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. Vince Lombardi
Many people don't realize it, but firearm marksmanship and safety are perishable skills that must be continuously renewed and reinforced through “proper” practice and training. Every expert firearms instructor recommends regular range time or dry-fire training to both improve and maintain safe, speed & accuracy and the skills needed to ward off deadly attacks... Check back often!
Concealed Carry Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self defense. In this class you will learn conflict avoidance, situational awareness; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters, legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training. Following the course, training and live-fire exercises are conducted on the range.
This course is designed to give participants an entry level understanding of handguns and how to utilize them in self-defense situations. The curriculum is divided into four modules, each with several chapters. Classroom and Laser Pistol simulator time. Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
USCCA, Home Defense Course, is a comprehensive course for every skill level that focuses on firearms as a tool for home defense. Ultimately, the goal is for students to develop a home defense plan. Plus, many more useful subjects! Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.
Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals covers the basics — along with the fun, seriousness and importance of being a responsibly armed female. The basics of shooting will be introduced, reviewed & built upon, while also exploring universal safety rules, situational awareness, common types of handguns, ammo types, marksmanship skills, advanced firearms handling/defensive essentials & the use of deadly force. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Certified NRA Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor & Range Master - Prior to my retirement from law enforcement I served as a Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor and Range Master with Brea Police Department since 1992.
CCW - Concealed Carry Fundamentals Course... This is an EXCELLENT course!
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive seminar for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self defense.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher tells, explains, demonstrates and inspires students to think!
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