(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
(714) 680-5500 • eMail: KC.5150.HEAT@ gmail.com
Live Fire Vs. Dry Fire Training
To be sure, Live Fire & Dry Fire are different types of firearms training. Both are crucial and of vital importance to the predicate self-defense and protection.
Frequent practice with numerous repetitions will reinforce, maintain and improve shooting performance, speed and marksmanship.
Thirty-nine years of training professional law enforcement and the general public about firearms safety and the use of deadly force has taught me many valuable firearms tactics, street survival and high stress combat performance lessons. I have presented a few valuable training concepts as illustrated below:
Plus, during most "normal" range sessions, you're not allowed to draw from holster, shoot while moving, teamwork, rapid-fire, turnoff the lights or practice many other tactical exercises. When dry fire practicing at 5150 HEAT or home, you can.
(*) FoF practice is an effective training tool for law enforcement officers because it simulates realistic tactical situations by increasing task-specific stress such that it affects important outcomes of professional performance and leads to desirable behavioral changes and incremental performance measurement during training. Plus, if it works well for police & military you know it'll enhance your tactical firearms marksmanship, speed & skills.
Here's a VIDEO that demonstrates two basic overviews for:
1: Laser Activated Shot Reporter, L.A.S.R.
2. Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger, S.I.R.T.
These are both leading-edge technologies for today's modern always on shooters and evolving marksman & riflemen or should I add... Markswomen & Riflewomen? Naw, the gun world has never been politically correct, so why start now?
Back to the video; the S.I.R.T. is a high-level Laser Pistol and when combined with L.A.S.R., which is a computerized system that will help you become a better shooter and maintain and enhance shooting skills. Instant and precise feedback on shot placement and time with any targets and any laser training aide is just the tip of the iceberg, as LASR offers a plethora of features and functions to help you get more from your dry-fire practice.
Watch the SIRT / LASR video...! (click here)
Click on the 'ACTION BUTTON' below to see an
Introductory S.I.R.T. Training Pistol Fundamentals
The NRA has approved Laser Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training because it’s an ideal tool for beginners to learn pistol safety and marksmanship and it even provides experienced shooters with a way to fine tune their sharpshooting skills. Laser pistol training equates to NO LIVE FIRE! Laser pistol training is perfect for introducing students to handguns and also excellent for one-on-one shooting instruction before students take a live fire class.
Training focuses on the fundamentals of handgun safety, pistol marksmanship and we demystify topics such as stance, grip, sight picture, trigger, breath control and proper follow through. We use a high-tech Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT) professional training LASER PISTOLS that are totally safe yet, hefty enough to feel realistic and has functional trigger, magazine and sights.
S.I.R.T. LASER PISTOLS paired with another futuristic training system known as the LASER ACTIVATED SHOT REPORTING, L.A.S.R. system that records & analyzes every shot. The end result, you’ll leave the class knowing the basic marksmanship fundamentals and know when applied; they're effective and they really work!
The Importance of Dry Fire Practice for Pistol Accuracy and Safety
First of all, shooting is a perishable skill. If you don't practice regularly, your shooting skills will diminish. It also takes lots and lots of practice to be able to perform well under the tremendous stress and pressure of a violent use of force encounter. During such situations, you must be able to react instinctively, and that instinct can be developed with hours and hours of PERFECT PRACTICE.
Going to the shooting range is expensive, inconvenient, time consuming, crowded and ammunition cost money too. So, dry fire practice allows you to practice nearly all the training drills and situations of effective shooting without spending the time and money to go to the range and shoot live ammunition. By implementing a dry fire practice regiment, you can practice much more frequently and conveniently.
Here's a VIDEO that demonstrates two basic overviews for:
1: Laser Activated Shot Reporter, L.A.S.R.
2. Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger, S.I.R.T.
These are both leading-edge technologies for today's modern always on shooters and evolving marksman & riflemen or should I add... Markswomen & Riflewomen? Naw, the gun world has never been politically correct, so why start now?
Back to the video; the S.I.R.T. is a high-level Laser Pistol and when combined with L.A.S.R., which is a computerized system that will help you become a better shooter and maintain and enhance shooting skills. Instant and precise feedback on shot placement and time with any targets and any laser training aide is just the tip of the iceberg, as LASR offers a plethora of features and functions to help you get more from your dry-fire practice.
Watch the SIRT / LASR video...! (click here)
Click on the 'ACTION BUTTON' below to see an Introductory S.I.R.T. Training Pistol Fundamentals
Dry Fire Vs. Live Fire Practice
#1 Dry fire is less expensive and takes less time than live fire.
#2 Frequent Small Block learning beats the traditional firehose approach of teaching & practicing firearms skills with live fire.
#3 Live Fire distracts shooters from proper form and fundamentals.
#4 Live Fire confuses new and inexperienced shooters’ brains.
#5 Dry Fire is more private/low visibility/better OPSEC than live fire.
#6 Dry Fire is safer than live fire.
#7 Weber Fechner says Dry Fire rocks!
Okay, that statement is complete nonsense, but the sentiment is true. It’s nonsense because Weber Fechner isn’t a real person. Weber-Fechner is a law in psycho-physics that combines the work of Ernst Heinrich Weber and Gustav Theodor Fechner. The Weber-Fechner Law states that your ability to sense things gets worse with the more stimulus you have or the faster the stimuli are happening. Max Michel refers to this in the video above when he says that 70% of your dry fire practice should be done at half-speed.
When you go full speed…TRUE full speed…the only 2 things you’re going to be aware of are the beginning and the end. Everything between will be executed subconsciously and a blur.
#8 Comfort at arms.
It’s a lot easier for a new or inexperienced shooter to get comfortable manipulating a gun when they’re not in constant fear of it going “BOOM!” in their hands.
#9 Range Training Limitations
#10 Linear range training scars hurt
Tuition: $39 (per student/per hour) Save $$$ Buy Five Hour Block $175
The NRA has approved an introductory Laser Pistol Course that’s ideal for beginners to learn pistol safety and marksmanship or provide experienced shooters with a way to fine tune their skills. Laser pistol training equates to NO LIVE FIRE! Laser pistol training is perfect for introducing students to handguns and also an excellent tactic for one-on-one shooting instruction before students take a live fire class.
Training focuses on the fundamentals of handgun safety, pistol marksmanship and we demystify topics such as stance, grip, sight picture, trigger & breath control and proper follow through. We use a Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT) professional training laser pistol that is totally safe yet, hefty enough to feel realistic and has functional trigger, magazine and sights. This is paired with a Laser Activated Shot Reporting, (LASR) system to record and analyze all shots. The end result, you’ll leave the class knowing the basic fundamentals and know when applied they really work.
GOING TO THE RANGE IS EXPENSIVE & INCONVENIENT --- And, worse yet it leaves the shooter with HUGE TRAINING GAPS!
The major problems with relying on live fire range training alone are:
Cost: Ammo is expensive and sometimes hard to find. Add to that the range fees, targets, gear, cleaning your weapons; your transportation to and from the range,
Long Wait Times: Yes, shooters should be aware and plan for the possibility of long wait times at crowded live fire range during peak-times: (Weekday evenings, Friday afternoons & evenings and all day Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays). Very similar to what happens at popular restaurants, Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland. 'Praemonitus, Praemunitus,' which is Latin and loosely translates as 'Forewarned is Forearmed,'
Full Range of Motion (((PLUS))): Pulling the trigger is one thing but professionals know you also need to train drawing the firearm from your concealed holster, readying the firearm, getting into a stance, proper grip, combat & tactical re-loading, malfunction drills, moving to cover and/or concealment, low light conditions and re-holstering the gun. Not only do most ranges have rules against this but it can also be very dangerous to train these skills with a fully loaded firearm.
Stationary: Real life never stands still, except at the range and you’re probably only allowed to stand still and fire at a single stationary target. This doesn't prepare you for a world where targets move and you need to move too.
Single Target: Both indoor & outdoor ranges have rules against setting up multiple targets but in real life you shouldn't bet your life on engaging a single assailant.
Rapid Fire: Sorry, not allowed, don’t even think about it!
Private Lessons
There's an estimated eleven million Americans who have concealed carry licenses nationwide, with about 100,000 active CCW licenses in California and approximately 15,000 concealed carry licenses issued in Orange County. All of those CCW holders had to complete some form of “firearms training.” However, state-required concealed carry license training mostly addresses legal use of force issues and state specific concealed carry regulations.
I'll wager none of those programs cover self-defense strategy, CQC, (close quarters combat), situational awareness and tactics training. If your concealed carry class didn't teach you the importance of drawing; cover/concealment; moving, shooting; reloading, (tactical vs. combat); working on malfunction drills; the inevitable aftermath of a use of force incident; dry-fire; the importance of consistent ongoing training and so, much more. You should consider your concealed carry class as just a starting point on your firearms self-defense journey. Please, never assume that your concealed carry class prepared you to competently carry a gun for self-protection or home defense. That would be a one-size-fits-all solution that just doesn't fit!
Private firearms instruction is becoming more and more popular, as well as an available option that can be tailored to your specific situation. So, no matter whether you're more comfortable learning in an environment that's one-to-one or one-to-two or one-to-a-few or one-to-a-group, 5150 Heat Firearms Training Academy can help arrange training that's both comfortable and relevant to your needs and your budget.
Shooting skills are perishable: if you're interested in refreshing your basic skills, learning S.E.A.L. combat marksmanship fundamentals, getting rid of bad habits or simply to become a better shooter. We can help, we help by working on proper stance, grip, aiming, sight-picture, trigger control, breathing control and follow through.
Costs vary from $39 to $100 per hour
Call (714) 680-5500 to schedule a private lesson.
Be prepared with a variety of concealed carry and firearms tips and tactics that can help keep you and your family safe both inside and outside of your home. Find helpful articles and videos, including the Into the Fray training series, that cover everything from situational awareness and conflict avoidance to cover vs. concealment and the use of force in a critical encounter.
If you interpret “home defense” in the broadest sense, the objective is to protect "your people" (Family & Friends --- the Innocent) and from imminent deadly threats of any kind. That would include not just home invasions but also simple burglary, fire and even an earthquake.
While the concepts overlap a bit, we’re going to focus on the imminent death or great bodily harm from an intruder scenario.
When thinking about a home-defense plan to deal with a possible home invasion, don’t forget to consider your strategy for more likely “home safety” events like fire earthquakes. Many of the same planning principles apply.
The option is simple: If you are older, you can defend yourself sooner; even if that means using deadly force.
If there is a serious disparity of force, the victim has the right to use more force sooner to stop the assault. Remember that you are stopping an imminent deadly threat. If you are facing death or great bodily harm, use your gun. Use it right away and stay alive and unharmed.
Then make it clear to the investigators that you feared imminent death or great bodily harm and that if the attacker were able to strike you with even one punch, you could have been killed or seriously injured. The elderly can’t be taught to move better or run away at full speed like a jackrabbit. A senior citizen's bad knees, rheumatoid arthritis, stooped posture, osteoarthritis, slowed & limited movement, diminished visual acuity & peripheral vision and diminished heart & blood vessel performance just cannot be made healthy again.
However, we can give you the information that will allow you to legally defend your life.
Believe it or not, wheelchair users can often find themselves a target of criminals. Wheelchair users are not as mobile as some sneaky thieves, but you don't need to be overcome with fear if you are a wheelchair user. The self-defense techniques below will provide protection from attackers.
Your Wheelchair is your Weapon
Most criminals falsely believe that wheelchair users are easy helpless targets. But your wheelchair can actually be used as a weapon. Thieves don't see it that way which is an advantage to you and you can easily surprise your attacker. Just thrusting your wheelchair forward and whacking them in the shins is enough to cause them great pain. Most of them fall forward and you can quickly punch them in the nose, eyes or throat.
Home Security & Surveillance Systems
In any home defense scenario, additional accessories can increase your peace of mind and provide increased situational awareness, and even deter would-be intruders. Home security and surveillance systems deliver live video feeds, and most even sound audible alerts when they detect motion to warn you of a potential threat long before a defensive situation occurs.
Less-Than-Lethal Weapon Alternatives
For some home-defense scenarios a less-than-lethal alternative may be ideal. 5150 Heat Firearms Training Academy can assist you in choosing a variety of alternatives such as tasers and pepper sprays, which pack a powerful punch that can effectively subdue someone intent on causing you or your family harm.
Get Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is available online for a reasonable price. Some are small enough that they can be attached to a keychain. Even with all the other self-defense approaches at hand, stopping your attacker in their tracks with pepper spray will give you time to escape to safety.
Blast Your Personal Alarm
You can attach an electronic whistle in a convenient location on your wheelchair that is easily accessible. Just one touch will sound a blaring alarm that can be heard far away. The noise will send your attacker running the other way. The alarm is most effective as the attacker is coming towards you. They will run away since they don't want any unwanted attention.
Use a Stun Gun
Stun guns are not legal everywhere, be sure to know your local laws and obey those laws if you will be carrying this device. The stun gun gives your attacker an electric shock that stops them instantly. They are fairly small and you can easily carry one when riding in your wheelchair.
Aim for the Knees
If an attacker comes at you head on, they always leave their knees exposed. Knees are a very sensitive area of the body and a good whack with a hard object will cause severe pain. You want to hit them in a way that their knees go backward, breaking if possible. As a result, your attacker won't be able to move and you can escape to safety and seek help.
Use of Deadly Force
While firearms often seem to be the go-to method for keeping yourself, your loved ones protected at home and away, they are just one of the many at-home self-defense options available. While rifles and shotguns tend to be the most common firearms found in the home, handguns are also a practical choice for home defense due to their compact, simple-to-maneuver size, high ammo capacity and convenient one-hand operation. Handguns are also easy to secure and keep hidden from immediate view.
Firearms for Home Defense & Self-Defense
It’s hard to beat the peace of mind a home-defense and/or self-protection firearm lends. Whether you prefer a pump-action shotgun
or a small handgun, you should select a firearm that fits your situation, a model that you are comfortable with and that best suits your home-defense needs. Please consider a firearm for your personal security.
Be prepared with a variety of concealed carry and firearms tips and tactics that can help keep you and your family safe both inside and outside of your home. Find helpful articles and videos, including the Into the Fray training series, that cover everything from situational awareness and conflict avoidance to cover vs. concealment and the use of force in a critical encounter.
If you interpret “home defense” in the broadest sense, the objective is to protect "your people" (Family & Friends --- the Innocent) and from imminent deadly threats of any kind. That would include not just home invasions but also simple burglary, fire and even an earthquake.
While the concepts overlap a bit, we’re going to focus on the imminent death or great bodily harm from an intruder scenario.
When thinking about a home-defense plan to deal with a possible home invasion, don’t forget to consider your strategy for more likely “home safety” events like fire earthquakes. Many of the same planning principles apply.
Home-Defense Firearms - It’s hard to beat the peace of mind a home-defense firearm lends. Whether you prefer a pump-action shotgun or a small handgun, you should select a firearm that you are comfortable with and that best suits your home-defense needs.
Home-Defense Handguns - Feel safe and confident when it comes to protecting your home from intruders. Handguns are easy to maneuver in confined spaces and can be held and fired with one hand, leaving the other hand free to operate a flashlight, open doors or call 911.
Home-Defense Shotguns - Because of the devastation they cause and wide pattern they throw, few things are more intimidating than the business end of a shotgun. Short barrels make maneuvering in life-threatening situations easy, while larger magazine capacities add certain peace of mind.
Home-Defense Rifles - Many prefer modern sporting rifles as their primary home-defense option for a number of reasons. Recent ballistics tests have shown that there is not an increased danger of over-penetration compared to handgun calibers as many assume, and some claim their increased accuracy makes them an even safer option than handguns. With lower recoil than shotguns, their ease of operation and high magazine capacity make them a solid choice for those with plenty of space to move around.
Problem—Increased Vulnerability:
The elderly and people with physical disabilities tend to be victimized by criminals much more frequently than other groups of people. Their need for self-defense training is strong, but unfortunately, many folks are not strong enough physically to stick with serious marital arts training. Many folks try to train in self-defense classes and then re-injure themselves. I know; I have been there. What is the solution? It is certainly not to remain vulnerable to criminal attack!
If an able-bodied, physically strong, criminal attacker launches an attack on an elderly or physically disabled person, the marked disparity of force in the attacker’s favor puts the target of the attack at a grave disadvantage. This is opportunistic criminal victimization. In order to even the odds and avoid being victimized, if the potential victim cannot retreat, he or she needs an effective force multiplier that he or she can operate. That would be a firearm. However, the reality is that a handgun or any other firearm is not a magic talisman. If you are not proficient with it, it is nothing but an expensive piece of metal or plastic that could be used against you!
Adopt a warrior mentality. Fight through the pain. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
There is a positive coping self-talk method to yourself moving and to keep moving. This involves what is called “Stress Inoculation Training” (S.I.T.). Employing S.I.T. to cope with constant or recurrent pain, or other repetitive, stressful experiences, has four phases:
Clearing limiting mental blocks from your mind:
You cannot give up. You have to tell yourself that you can get past the obstacles you will encounter. What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve. Your mind is your limiting factor. You can mentally rehearse the S.I.T. strategy to prepare yourself to actually use it in-vivo.
As with Col. Jeff Cooper’s Color Codes of Readiness, the magic formula is:
Phase 1: living alert and aware (Condition Yellow);
Phase 2: practicing and mentally rehearsing coping skills (Condition Orange);
Phase 3: employing your coping skills when the going gets tough (Conditions Red and Black);
Phase 4: recognizing your progress and not letting down your guard ever (remaining in Condition Yellow).
Adopt a warrior mentality. Fight through the pain. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Act in spite of your pain. Ignore the pain. Orient to the task at hand. Decide what you must do and just do it. increase your speed private handgun lessons Accuracy, Efficiency, Marksmanship and Safety Brea
Giving good people the security they deserve and yet another reason to worship, educate or do business with you.
Through our partnership with both the NRA and the USCCA, 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy is thrilled to be able to offer men & women with several fantastic training courses.
Course enrollment is now open with space available. Call or Email Today!
For additional details, Let's Talk!
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy
(714) 680-5500
Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. Vince Lombardi
Many people don't realize it, but firearm marksmanship and safety are perishable skills that must be continuously renewed and reinforced through “proper” practice and training. Every expert firearms instructor recommends regular range time or dry-fire training to both improve and maintain safe, speed & accuracy and the skills needed to ward off deadly attacks... Check back often!
Concealed Carry Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self defense. In this class you will learn conflict avoidance, situational awareness; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters, legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training. Following the course, training and live-fire exercises are conducted on the range.
This course is designed to give participants an entry level understanding of handguns and how to utilize them in self-defense situations. The curriculum is divided into four modules, each with several chapters. Classroom and Laser Pistol simulator time. Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
USCCA, Home Defense Course, is a comprehensive course for every skill level that focuses on firearms as a tool for home defense. Ultimately, the goal is for students to develop a home defense plan. Plus, many more useful subjects! Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Each participant will receive an excellent textbook: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.
Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals covers the basics — along with the fun, seriousness and importance of being a responsibly armed female. The basics of shooting will be introduced, reviewed & built upon, while also exploring universal safety rules, situational awareness, common types of handguns, ammo types, marksmanship skills, advanced firearms handling/defensive essentials & the use of deadly force. Intro to Laser Pistol training.
Certified NRA Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor & Range Master - Prior to my retirement from law enforcement I served as a Police Firearms & Tactics Instructor and Range Master with Brea Police Department since 1992.
CCW - Concealed Carry Fundamentals Course... This is an EXCELLENT course!
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive seminar for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self defense.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher tells, explains, demonstrates and inspires students to think!
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